Sunday, March 8, 2015

Italian Reniassiance

The Italian Renaissance was a time in advancements in science and arts. They invented new forms and new visual language that was not derived from the classical period. In the process, the architects, humanists, and painters of the Renaissance for architecture was considered a universal art in the Renaissance invented a new idea of public space in which civic pride and organization would be organized on a city-wide scale. In the Renaissance, architecture was seen as the supreme art. Architectural design was carried out by professional architects, painters, sculptors such as Michelangelo, humanists, masons, and just plain amateurs with a lot of time and money.

From that time period:
Current application:
Extra credit:
Peer Review:
I reviewed Emma I liked her current applications and her use of vocabulary and her video.
I also reviewed also reviewed Haley I thought she did a really good job of portraying he thoughts and I also liked her visuals.

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