The Spanish Renaissance followed the Italian Renaissance in the 15-16th century. It in kind of a mix of all the other period that we have learned about, the Spanish Renaissance has a little piece of each period. Renaissance architecture was that style of architecture which evolved firstly in Florence and then Rome and other parts of Italy as the result of Humanism and a revived interest in Classical architecture. This new focus in art, literature and science, inspired by Classical antiquity and especially the Greco-Roman tradition, receives the transcendental impulse in this year by various successive historical events:Unification of the longed-for Christian kingdom with the definitive taking of Granada, last city of Islamic Spain and the successive expulsions of thousands of Muslim and Jewish believers,The official discovery of the western hemisphere, the Americas,The publication of the first grammar of a vernacular European language, the Grammar by Antonio de Nebrija.
From that period
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I reviewed Emma I really liked how she went into good detail of the design elements in the Spanish Renaissance. I also reviewed Haley I liked her visuals that she used they were great example of the Spanish Renaissance.